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New York Times
October 2, 1888

"The Whitechapel Murderer Still Untracked"
from our own correspondent

London, Oct. 1.-- Excitement over the Whitechapel murders has steadily increased during the day, the evening papers devoting all available space to the gory details. As in the preceding cases, however, the murderer continues unknown and unsuspected. The Berner-street victim has been identified as Elizabeth Stride alias "Long Liz," a widow. The other is still unknown, but is believed to be a streetwalker known as "May." Her face is so badly cut that it is difficult to recognize her.

The Coroner has begun an inquest on the first woman. As before, in all these horrible crimes, the duty of investigation seems to devolve on the Coroner, and the detectives sit at the inquest listening to the sworn testimony to find out who did it. The whole police management of the cases, as indeed the system under which they work, is idiotic in the extreme. Indignation meetings were held in several places in Whitechapel to-day to denounce Sir Charles Warren and Home Secretary Mathews. The Daily Telegraph this morning called loudly for Mathews's dismissal, since he had not sense enough to resign. A petition to the Queen is in preparation, asking her to offer a reward, Mathews having stupidly refused.

The Lord Mayor promptly offered £500 reward this morning, the second murder having been committed within the precincts of the city. This, with other private rewards, makes a total of £1,200.

There are any amount of theories published, some scientific, others ingenious, and others stupid. There are plenty of clues also, but they are slight, and show no signs of developing the murderer. The only trace considered of any value is the story of a watchboy who saw a man and woman leave Aldgate station, going towards Mitre-square. The man returned shortly afterward alone. The police have a good decription of him.

The daring character of the murders is evident from the fact that two people at least saw a man and the woman together in the Berner-street gateway, and one saw him throw her down. He went away and left her there, but it was half an hour before it was known that she had been murdered. In the second case a policeman swears that he was not absent over 15 minutes from Mitre-square, and must have been watched by both man and woman as he went through, they following.

The police confess to-night that they have no clues. A number of men have been arrested; but all were released. There is every prospect at present that these murders, like their predecessors, will pass undetected.

It is very probable that Mansfield's season would have been even more successful had he opened in "A Parisian Romance," which was presented for the first time in English in London this evening. The house was crowded, among the audience being Minister Phelps, Lady Hardy, Mrs. Cavendish Bentick, Gov. Weller, Dr. Morell Mackenzie, Oscar Wilde, Max O'Rell, and most of the managers and authors in the higher Bohemia of London. The play went very well, Mansfield making a decided artisitic impression as Baron Chevrial. Mrs. Sheridan as the Baroness also gained marked recognition, while W.H. Sullivan as Henri and D.H. Harkins as Dr. Chesnel increased their previous popularity. Judging from its reception, the play will handsomely complete the season. E.D. Price, Mr. Mansfield's manager, leaves on the Adriatic Wednesday for a flying trip to New-York.


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