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monster of moscow, pichushkin

MOSCOW,RUSSIA,, September, 2007 - Moscow's "chessboard killer"

The police have accused him of killing 49 people. He claims he has killed 61. He would invite his victims for vodka at the Bitsevsky Park in Moscow. Then after getting them drunk, he would bludgeon the victim’s skull to little bits or drown them.

His logic- To kill at least 64 people because there are that many squares in a chessboard. Though in court he said,

If they hadn’t caught me, I would never have stopped, never. They saved a lot of lives by catching me.

His ambition- to beat Andrei Chikatilo’s record of 52 murders. His motive? According to him, killing was food for him.

For me, a life without murder is like a life without food for you

This is “the chessboard killer”: Alexander Pichushkin, a polite 33 year old shop assistant in Moscow. The Russian media call him “Bitsevsky Maniac.”He was arrested last year. The trial has begun now. In the court he sat glowering, looking bored. There is absolutely no remorse for what he has done. according to his neighbour he had cried like a child when his pet cat died.

One wonders what even the world’s most brilliant psychologist would make of him. Experts at the Serbsky Institute, Russia’s main psychiatric clinic, have found Pichushkin irrecoverable. Christians would call him the devil. Hindus would call him “Rakshas”[a giant cannibal]. He seems unadulterated evil personified.

There are hints at why Pichushkin turned into a monster. He had a difficult childhood. His parents had dumped him into an orphanage when he was small. Later his grandfather lived with him till he died.

Here is more wisdom from the monster. Pichushkin says,

I felt like the father of these people [his victims]. I opened up the door for them to a new world. I let them into a new life.

A mad person with a mind twisted beyond recognition? But shrinks at Serbsky Institute think he is sane enough to stand trials.Many mysteries of the human mind will remain unresolved forever.

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